Clifden Regatta 06 ECH 2
Clifden Regatta 06 ECHO 2
Race 1
Start: Sat 12 Aug 06 12:35:00
Points Sail No Boat Owner 4 Race Ave Elapsed Handicap Corrected To Win Finishing Place Comments Points
1 IRL4021 Egalite David Griffin 0.961 1:22:33 0.914 1:15:27   1   1
2 IRL2112C Boojum D. Buckley 0.945 1:22:50 0.919 1:16:07 0:00:44 2   2
3 IRL7427 Quelle Surprise Henry Lupton 1.007 1:17:43 1.011 1:18:34 0:03:05 3   3
4 IRL267 Golden Kopper John + Ed Conway 0.974 1:21:44 0.963 1:18:43 0:03:24 4   4
5 IRL487 Disaray McGibneys 0.998 1:20:00 0.989 1:19:07 0:03:42 5   5
6 IRL3062 Crozz Gerry Daly 0.983 1:21:06 0.981 1:19:34 0:04:12 6   6
7 IRL1588 Commotion Hartnet, McMahon, Callinan 0.97 1:27:23 0.948 1:22:50 0:07:47 7   7
8 GBR5620 K Vector 2 Gary Fort 0.839 2:23:11 0.948 2:15:44 1:03:36 8   8
10 IRL4320 Reconnaissance P. O'Loughlin 0.855   0.855       DNC-Did Not Come to Starting Area 10

Tue 15 Aug 06 17:15
Sail100 Racing Results Program